About ProForce

ProForce is the only talent consulting firm of it’s kind. We employ a proprietary methodology to empower organizations to Attract, Engage and Retain High Performing Talent – Anytime, Anywhere.

And we’re the best in the world at it.

We Begin with “Why?”

The Market is Shifting to a Talent Attraction Model

ProForce is responding to the increasing transformation in the Talent Acquisition space. Three years ago, the title “Employer Brand Manager” did not exist.

Today, major brands across the world are engaging marketing and communications professionals to take control of their Employer Branding, Employer Reputation and Candidate Communications.

The adoption rate is following a typical S-Curve model with Early Adopters realizing a significant competitive advantage over their peers who are still recruiting the same way recruiting has been conducted for the past 30 years.

However, it is the major brands that are driving and benefiting from this transformational paradigm shift. Up to 90% of small to mid-market companies do not have the internal expertise and have not begun to make this critical shift from Talent Recruiting to Talent Attraction. The consequences are significant and harmful to small to mid-market companies who are by comparison unable to compete at the same level for talent.
See More: Crossing the Chasm

We Started with a Commitment to Serve.

Our Journey…

Our Core Values Create Our Culture

Core Values

Our Core Values are the characteristics which are critical to our culture, our actions and our commitments.

Each of our Core Values support our commitment to:

  • Customer Value
  • Best People
  • Servant Leadership


Customer Value – What it Means to Us

We have a Culture where our Customer,

  •  Is recognized as having an important mission to achieve,
  • Is empowered to succeed now and in the future,
  • Is considered a partner where our joint efforts are to deliver value to Their Business, Their Employees and Their Customers

Best People – What it Means to Us

We have a Culture where Team Members,

  • Relentlessly and aggressively pursue excellence
  • Are committed to taking care of the Customer
  • Take ownership of both issues and solutions

Servant Leadership – What it Means to Us

We have a Culture where Leaders,

  • Demonstrate appreciation for the people who actually perform the client-facing work
  • Develop a hatred for the status quo because of a conviction that it can be better
  • Understand that the process fails far more frequently than the people do
  • Willingly and openly admit that the system is broken and needs to be fixed


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