ProForce Integrity Promise

The Foundation of our Commitments
Integrity is a foundational commitment at ProForce Innovations. It’s not just one of our firm’s core values; it is something that defines us. We believe that if you’re going to be associated with our business in any way, it is important for you to know how much we care about Our Integrity Promise – regardless of whether you’re a recruiter, content writer, developer, customer, vendor or a joint venture partner.

Because the word “integrity” conveys no meaning between people with differing perspectives on ethics, differing definitions of absolute morality and differing opinions on situation-based honesty, we have chosen to be clear and transparent about our perspective and our convictions.


Our Integrity Commitment is a Product of What We Believe


Our decisions are driven by professionalism as well as our faith
We recognize we live in a global neighborhood of many religions, cultures and languages. At ProForce, our faith in Jesus Christ drives our decisions and choices. It challenges us to see the best in all individuals and serve others with a spirit of humility. From the leadership of our company to many of our new joiners, our values run in our blood – meaning, it is both a professional as well as a spiritual commitment to provide you nothing short of the best service.

We are accountable to God first, then you
As the citizens of a much larger world, we find ourselves first answerable to God. We believe in the biblical principle that says, “as a man sows, so shall he reap.” We choose to set an example and we expect our professional partners and clients to be generous and notify us of any mistake we, as a company, or any of our team members make while dealing with you. At the end of the day, we are working to maintain a mutually valuable, long-lasting and trust-bound relationship. If you see any decision or behavior that you believe is inconsistent with your understanding of Our Integrity Promise, please contact us. We want to know.

Our decisions are based on our integrity policy – inside and outside the company
Our Integrity Promise also allows us to perform tasks without any partiality or discrimination what-so-ever. Whether it is working on a client’s request on a particular task or doing an intense brainstorming session about improving work-flow, we are always bound by our commitments. Without a doubt, we believe that our values are a vital key toward growing ProForce and ourselves.

Integrity in Our Relationship with You


You are an individual, not a number
At ProForce, we value you as an individual – irrespective of age, experience, color, gender or nativity. We honor your thoughts, respect your opinion and always consider you as someone:

  • Who has a valuable purpose and mission
  • Who has real opportunities that make a difference
  • Who can overcome challenges and achieve great things

For us, our role is to have a positive an impact on you so that you can more effectively deliver to your clients, customers, constituents, employees, students, children, etc.

We’re committed to producing valuable resources and products
As a professional services company, ProForce Innovations is 100% committed to creating products, resources and materials which are nothing short of life-changing. We use the principles we teach and tools we create to grow a lean and highly productive company by improving operations and growing our business. We believe in leading by example.

We believe in consistent and continuous improvement (kaizen)
We manage our business and our lives with the conviction that “nothing is so good that it cannot be improved.” We continually strive to improve our processes, service and products despite day-to-day challenges. Every day – at work or outside the workplace – our commitment to the improvement of our products and ourselves is core to who we are. We encourage and foster an environment that facilitates growth opportunities for our team members and clients.

We will follow through on our commitments
We are committed to helping you meet your goals while maintaining highest degree of integrity and ethical behavior. We are committed to practices that generate a healthy work environment, conditions and procedures to support us in creating absolutely world-class products. We work to foster the same level of commitment in all our team members and new joiners so that all our clients remain confident about our products and services. When we make commitments, we follow through on them.

We accept our mistakes and more importantly, we correct them
With integrity embedded deep in our company culture, we recognize that when mistakes are made, we are accountable for accepting and acknowledging them. In fact, we treat our mistakes as a strong stepping stone towards building an improving organization – in-so-far as we grow from them.

We do not believe in justifying our mistakes and prolonging an issue when we realize our fault. We believe our strength lies in both our ability to identify our mistakes and to correct them at the earliest. While we do not hesitate to apologize with dignity, we take pride in our competence to work toward not repeating errors.


Integrity, Security and Financial Accountability


We hold your information and personal data safely
All our team members are responsible for safeguarding ProForce Innovations assets from misuse or misappropriation. We are equally committed to safeguarding your records and confidential information. We are diligent about protecting your personal, corporate and financial data and will never sell or share your information with a third party except as may be required by law. We have rigorous practices and procedures to protect the storage and disclosure of data that we hold about our relationship with you to prevent it from unauthorized access.

We protect your financial data
At ProForce Innovations, we understand that managing your personal and financial data is critical. Therefore, it is a foremost priority to protect your data from online thefts, fraud, etc. We leverage best-in-class secure portal solutions to safeguard your information; and, we never collect or store credit card or personal information from your transactions.

We use secure and safe vendors for all transaction processing consistent with the highest industry standards. No human even sees your credit card or bank login credentials. Our security monitoring measures ensure your transactions are made in the safest available technical environment.