Is your team still RECRUITING Talent?
We can show you how to start ATTRACTING Talent.
Why Talent Attraction?
90% of organizations in the mid-market are in a vicious cycle of RECRUITING TALENT – resulting in escalating talent acquisition costs and often slowly deteriorating culture, performance and financial health.
10% of organizations – mostly large enterprises and global brands – have implemented a strategic transformation and now are consistently winning the war for talent by ATTRACTING TALENT.
We will show you how to achieve the same results for your organization.
WATCH: The Role of Employer Branding
in a Talent Attraction Model
Watch this short overview highlighting the operational challenges and financial impacts of a Recruiting Model vs. a Talent Attraction Model.
See also how organizations improve their overall Return on Talent by creating a Candidate Experience on par with the Fortune 500 so they can attract the Best High-Performing Talent in their industry.
ProForce is…
Leading the Way Creating Competitive Employer Brand Strength
Our Methodology
No good consultant or doctor would ever prescribe a solution without a proper and thorough diagnostic evaluation. We have elevated the standard in comprehensive Employer Branding through the use of our proprietary Employer Brand Strength Assessment TM – the most comprehensive Employer Branding and Talent Attraction assessment tool of its kind!
ProForce has leveraged years of consulting, employer branding, executive communications, recruiting, process re-engineering and operational excellence to build a methodology to assess and elevate the organizational messaging of every communication at every phase of the entire candidate experience. Then, our process delivers consistent results through the execution of a well-defined and proven 6-step Methodology.

And We See a Pattern with Our Clients…
The Talent Attraction Principles Work in Any Industry
Consulting | Engineering | Federal & Public Service | Financial Services | Healthcare | IT & Technology | Manufacturing | Professional Services | Transportation

ProForce also uses the 4-Point Protocol TM employer branding methodology to ensure a complete solution that is also consistent with your Core Values, Mission and Purpose.

Talent Solutions to Compete and Win
We’re leading our Clients through a revolutionary Talent Acquisition change in strategy that is already in full swing.
We help organizations implement powerful employer branding strategies and talent attraction methods to ATTRACT the RIGHT TALENT – meaning both technical skills and cultural fit – ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
We enable internal corporate teams deliver results which create a LOT more enterprise value than just decreasing “time-to-fill” and “cost-to-fill.”
We show our Clients how to attract the kind of High Performers who will improve a host of other operational and enterprise metrics.
And we’re good at it.
Learn More…
Discover How We Can Transform Your Ability to Attract High Performing Talent
Discover the 5 Strategic Shifts Top Global Brands are Using to Attract High Performing Talent
We will SHOW you the 5 Strategic Shifts the Top 10% of Brands are using to become an Employer of Choice and how they are using Employer Branding and Talent Attraction strategies – NOT Traditional Recruiting – to consistently attract high performing talent who are the right cultural fit.
We will show you how we create high levels of commitment and connection with top candidates from the very beginning – even though it is the opposite of what 90% of companies are doing.
Discover More Now:
We’re Creating disruption IN A STATUS QUO SPACE
hRecruiting talent as remained relatively unchanged for 30 years. However, the talent pool continues to metamorphosize from influences like the “gig culture,” AI-based tools, AI agents, web-based automation, virtualized workforces, the globalization of talent, multi-generational teams…and the list goes on. So, attracting the RIGHT talent is more challenging than ever.
We’ve adapted. Have you?

Because of disruptive changes in demographics, the talent pool and candidates’ access to information, it is no longer good enough for organizations to just LOCATE talent.
Organizations need to be able to Attract, Engage and Retain High Performers on demand!
The Cost of Hiring and Keeping Low Performers
The Cost of Hiring and Keeping Low Performers is Virtually Immeasurable.
But the BIGGEST loss is the value of Lost Opportunities because of the impact on Business Leaders who unavoidably experience PERSONAL impacts such as…
- Never having the time and capacity to achieve their full potential
- Never being stress-free or have work-life balance
- Always resenting having to rescue, fix and rework other people’s work
- Never having the time to make higher-level contributions
- Never being recognized for achievements because instead, time is spent firefighting
- Decreased profitability – 100%
- Decreased quality – 90%
- Decreased customer satisfaction – 100%
- Increased compliance risk – 90%
- Increased legal expense – 80%
- Risk to public credibility – 80